Three weeks down...and you have been phenomenal during this transition to Distance Learning. I can't believe we are already entering into September and cross our fingers we will be face-to-face by November. Please remember that our children see how we respond to the stresses in our own lives and it is important to show optimism and calmness during stressful times. I nightly remind myself of this when I am interacting with my own 1st and 3rd grader who are truly doing the best they can with their learning. They too need little reminders that we are all going to be OK and that we are proud of their efforts and the work they are putting in. Please have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all Monday!
Important Family Information
Materials Deployment
Our next round of Curriculum Deployment is coming up this week. We will be deploying from the MPR again, but this time from the back door. Your child's teacher will notify you if you have items to pick up next week. The deployment dates and times are below.
Thursday, September 3rd (9:00-4:00)
Friday, September 4th (9:00-12:00)
Annual Parent Notification and Parent-School Compact
Please make sure you fill out the Kaseberg Family Notification that was deployed in the first week of school. In this packet was a required form from families called the Annual Family Notice. Please have this filled out and returned to our front office ASAP. If you need a new copy we have a PDF printable version linked here. Thank you!
Daily attendance is required during Distance Learning, just as it would during in-person instruction. Please ensure that you call the front office if your child will be absent for any of the following reasons, illness, quarantine, medical appointments, funerals, and administrator exemption. If your child does not log in and participate each day during live or independent sessions they will be marked as an unexcused absence, unless you call in to verify their absence is excused.
Voting Ballot for School Site Council Members:
Last week we had three community members show an interest in being a part of our School Site Council Committee. To be a representative on this committee, members must be voted in. Below is a voting poll to cast your vote for this years, one additional member. Please review the candidate's response and cast your vote for the candidate you feel should represent your voice in our School Site Council. Voting Ballot
Counselor Jen Hall Highlights
Our wonderful counselor Jen Hall has created a wonderful website that has a ton of different resources to support our Kaseberg Students and Families during Distance learning and In-person instruction. We have attached a link at the top of this blog for easier accessibility to her resources. Check them out! These resources include virtual books, a virtual calming room, and behavior incentives that can be used at home.
Calling ALL 3rd-5th Grade Students
Today is the last and final day to sign up for our Student Council broadcast team. If you would like to be a part of this AMAZING leadership opportunity at Kaseberg sign up using the google link below. Kaseberg Broadcast Sign UP
Kaseberg PBIS Recognition
Congratulations to the entire Kaseberg Staff for being recognized for their hard work with implementing PBIS practices during the 2019-2020 school year. Kaseberg was one of six sites in RCSD to be recognized by CPC (California PBIS Coalition) for their PBIS Implementation in Tier 1. GO HAWKS!!
Week of August 31st Important Dates
Thursday, Sept 3rd: Curriculum Pick-Up from 9:00-4:00
Friday, Sept 4th: Curriculum Pick-Up from 9:00-12:00
SPIRIT DAY: Wear your Kaseberg Red Colors
Saturday, Sept 5th-Monday, Sept 7th: LABOR DAY Weekend NO SCHOOL
Happy Friday Kaseberg Families! We are now two weeks into Distance Learning and we are starting to see the bumps in the road getting smoother. We wanted to THANK all of our families and caregivers for the amazing work and effort you have put into supporting your children. We know this has not been easy and we know families are truly doing the best they can under these THANK YOU! I wanted to share one of my favorite books with our students and let them know how proud we are of their efforts and engagement during these past two weeks. 💓
Important Information
School Site Council Members NEEDED:
We are looking for members to join our School Site Council for this 2020/2021 school year. All that is required is a desire to be involved in our Kaseberg Community decisions and a willingness to meet once a month for one hour virtually with our committee. If you are interested, please fill out the form attached no later then Thursday, August 27th.
Just as a reminder, please help your child find a quiet place for their learning as best as possible. It has been brought to our attention that during live sessions our teachers have been able to hear side conversations and side noises from the home. Even when your child has headphones on background noise can be heard. Thank you again for all of your support!
Technology Support Resources:
If you are having technical issues with clever or Otus please refer to our Parent Support page linked HERE. In addition, if you are having issues with your Chromebook and it is Lost, Damaged, or has been stolen, please fill out this form and the district office will be on contact for a replacement.
Our next materials deployment date will be fast approaching before we know, so we wanted to give you a heads up of some dates to remember. After this deployment, we will only be deploying every 4 weeks until further notice. Your child's teacher will notify you if there will be no materials to pick up this time around.
Thursday, September 3rd from 9:00 am-4:00 pm (Kindergarten- 5th grade)
Friday, September 4th from 9:00 am- 12:00 pm (Kindergarten-5th grade)
PTC Highlights for the Week
Spirit Wear on Fridays: Make sure every Friday we show our school spirit Virtually by wearing Red or your Hawk Shirts. Please share family photos on our Kaseberg Families Facebook page each week. We can't wait to see your spirit! Go Hawks!
Welcome our PTC Board: We would like to welcome and announce our PTC Board. Thank you for all that you do for our community with supporting our teachers, students, and families.
Congrats on making it through our first week of Distance Learning at Kaseberg Elementary. We know that the beginning of the week started out with some bumps in the road, but as the week progressed the kinks got worked out and we showed progress. Our staff and I have loved seeing all of your children smiling faces on zoom and we are excited to continue this journey with you. I hope you all have a restful weekend and take a little break from technology to enjoy this VERY hot weather
Attendance Reminder
We wanted to remind you that students are required to participate and engage in their online learning each and every day for attendance. It is essential for all students to receive daily, rigorous, and grade-level teaching. It is also very beneficial for students to have social interactions with their peers even in a distance learning platform. If your child does not attend class daily, they will be marked absent for the day and a robocall will be sent out at 6:00 pm daily. Please call the front office if your child will be absent or if they engaged with distance learning during the evening due to daycare and work schedule. Thank you again for being a partner in this new way of learning for our students.
PTC Ballot
We are gearing up for this school year and our PTC would like your vote for our PTC Board. This board is essential in supporting our Kaseberg Community. They work so hard to keep our families engaged in the learning of our students by providing resources and putting on community events. Please fill out this google form attached to cast your vote. Thank you! PTC Ballot
Kaseberg Community Broadcast
We are excited to share our student council's first Broadcast of the year. These students who part take in the Broadcast work extra hard to provide this resource to our students. Thank you to our 3rd-grade teacher Mr.Coffman for his work in continuing this during our Distance Learning platform. Enjoy!
Our AMAZING counselor Jen Hall has created a wonderful resource this week to remind us all of the ways to take care of ourselves during these stressful times. Enjoy this week's Counselor highlights. 💜
We have officially made it to the first week of school! Our staff has been spending endless hours this past week getting prepped and ready to see their students this coming Monday...THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! We all have butterflies in our stomach with such anticipation for your virtual return to the classroom. This is going to be a different school year, but together we will make it through and our students will be more resilient from this experience. Enjoy this weekend with family and we look forward to seeing each of you next Monday in our virtual classrooms!
Free and Reduced Breakfast and Lunch:
Starting Monday, August 10th the district will be offering free lunch and breakfast to our students Kindergarten through 8th grade. Please refer to the flyer attached for information regarding site locations. Lunch and Breakfast Flyer
Logging into Clever and Otus:
We know there has been a lot of communication coming from RCSD regarding clever and Otus login. If you need some refreshers on how to support your child logging into these programs please refer to the video linked here and the document provided.
If you would like to purchase insurance for your child's Chromebook, please sign up using this link here.
The cost is $24 per Chromebook and it can be purchased for new Chromebooks picked up this summer or Chromebooks that students had from the Spring. The deadline for insurance registration is September 25, 2020.
Important Dates for the week of August 10th:
Monday, August 10th: Welcome Back to the First Day of School!
Thursday, August 13th: K-5th Instructional Materials Deployment 2pm-5pm in MPR
Friday, August 14th: K-5th Instructional Materials Deployment 2pm-5pm in MPR
Saturday, August 15th: K-5th Instructional Materials Deployment 9am-11am in MPR
Spotlight Staff, You Should Know:
Mrs.Gonzalez is our wonderful Resource Specialist teacher here at Kaseberg Elementary. She has been apart of our Kaseberg Community for 14 years and we are so fortunate to have her here supporting our Special Education services. Please watch her Welcome Back Video for an introduction.
Mrs.Hall is our amazing Counselor. She is a big advocate for all of our students well being and is a valuable resource for our student's educational advancement. She plays a large role in supporting our students with learning to mediate conflict, process problems, and support their social and emotional wellness. If you would like to learn more about Mrs.Hall watch her Welcome Back video!
Mrs.Cochran is our Reading Intervention teacher. Her role at Kaseberg could not be more essential. Daily she pushes into classrooms to support students who might need just a little bit of extra support with their reading habits. She promotes a love of reading with each of the students that she encounters. If you would like to learn a bit more about Mrs.Cochran watch her Welcome Back Video!