Friday, April 16th

 Message from Principal Duncan

Happy Friday Kaseberg Families!  I can not begin to tell you how much fun this week has been kicking off our Dance-a-thon fundraiser.  Students and staff have been earning amazing class prizes, dressing up in our Sports Spirit Day, and doing their best to raise money for our Kaseberg Community!  Our goal was to raise $5,000 and we have DEMOLISHED that goal and already raised $9,000 ...WAY TO GO Hawk Families!  Students remind me daily that I am going to freeze during the Ice-Bucket Challenge that they have earned. 😄   We have one more week to raise more funds before the actual Dance-A-thon next Friday, April 23rd!  Keep up the AMAZING work Kaseberg Families.  We appreciate you and all that you do for our community!   

Important Information

Spirit Day for our Dance-a-thon

Next Friday, April 23rd our entire site will participate in a 35 minute dance-a-thon. Dress in your BEST NEON attire for our Dance-a-thon spirit day!  We can't wait to see all of our students GLOWING!  

Current Classroom Standings 1st-3rd Place:
  1. Mrs.Alderman's class with $2,300
  2. Mrs. Hunter's class with $1900
  3. Mrs.Wallingford class with $1,400

Tardies and School Start Time

As a reminder to families we open our gates at 8:00am, but school starts PROMPTLY at 8:15am.  We are asking that students are in the classroom by 8:15am.  We have had a large number of students showing up late for school and we are still tracking tardies on our end.  Thank you for your diligence in ensuring your child is in school and on time daily.  

Front of School Morning Drop-Off

As a reminder, if you are dropping off your child in the front drive-thru area you are not allowed to get out of your car.  It is a DROP OFF area ONLY.  If you need to get out of your car, then we suggest parking in a designated parking space to ensure students remain safe and that a line does not form.  Thank you for your help with making drop-off a smooth transition.

Placer County Food Bank Food Delivery 

Our next food delivery will be next
Tuesday, April 20th in front of the school.  These food bags are FREE and first come first serve.  They will be available for pick up between 12:30-1:30, but they do go fast.  This weeks delivery will be non-perishable food items.      


Sunday, April 11th

 Important Information

Dance-A Thon Kick Off 4/12/21-Sports Wear Spirit Day!

It is officially time to Kick Off our biggest fundraiser of the school year!  The Dance-A-Thon hasn't even started yet and we are already halfway to our $5,000 goal, WAY TO GO HAWKS!  If you haven't registered your child for the Dance-a-thon, then follow the steps below to get started...

Please support our school today - here’s how:

  1. REGISTER your student(s) on today. It takes 30 seconds!

  2. SHARE with 5 family/friends using the SHARE tools on (Facebook, Text

    Message or Email) Students will earn rewards just for sharing from

           3.  GIVE a donation if you are able to give. 

School-Wide Incentives
  1. Top Fundraising Class gets a Pizza Party!  Mr.Tapia's class has taken the lead, but Mrs.Aderman's class is a VERY close 2nd place!
  2. Top 10 Student Fundraisers get Donuts and games with Mrs.Duncan
  3. Reach our $5,000 goal and Mrs.Duncan gets the Ice Bucket Challenge!

2021/2022 School Registration-Important

We are beginning to look at class registration for the next school year.  If you have not registered for the next school year please do so ASAP.  This will ensure that your child has a spot in one of our classrooms next year.  If you need help with re-registering your child please reach out to our front office for support.  

Champions Academy Students URGENT Information

The Roseville City School District plans to offer a distance learning program, Roseville Virtual Academy, for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested in having your child enroll in the Roseville Virtual Academy, please read the following Roseville Virtual Academy FAQ document for more information. After reviewing the FAQ document, if you decide to register any of your children in the Roseville Virtual Academy, please follow the instructions below to complete the updated enrollment form.

Link:  PowerSchool Parent Portal
Video:  How to Register for the Roseville Virtual Academy
Guide:  How to Register for the Roseville Virtual Academy

If you are not interested in the Roseville Virtual Academy and have already updated your child’s registration for the 2021-2022 school year, you do not need to do anything further. Your child will automatically be enrolled in the in-person program for the 2021-2022 school year.

Student transfers from the Roseville Virtual Academy back to in-person instruction may occur only at the beginning of the second and third trimester, pending space availability.

Parents must complete enrollment for the Roseville Virtual Academy by April 14th at 5:00 pm. Please review the FAQ document. RCSD will notify parents by May 15th about their child’s enrollment status at the Roseville Virtual Academy.

PTC Highlights

Next PTC General Meeting

The next PTC general meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 13th from 6:30-7:30 via zoom.  We encourage all parents to join the meeting and hear about what our amazing PTC has to offer our community and upcoming plans. 
ID: 86762676715
Passcode: 782971



Saturday, April 3rd

 Message from Principal Duncan

Welcome back Kaseberg Families from a wonderful Spring Break! I hope you all had the opportunity to enjoy some family time and possibly get away for a bit.  We are officially in the home stretch of the school year with only eight weeks left, which is so hard to believe.  In the coming weeks, we have our Dance-a-thon starting, which will be a fun event for our students and staff as well as some end of the year activities.  This month we will be focusing on the PBIS Character Trait of PERSEVERANCE!  I think it is safe to say that our staff and Kaseberg Community have show perseverance this entire year through our trials and tribulations for sure.
  We look forward to seeing all of our Kaseberg Haeks this coming Tuesday, April 6th when they return from Spring Break!

Important Information

Kaseberg's First EVER Dance-a-Thon Fundraiser...coming soon!

We are excited to have our first ever Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser here at Kaseberg this April.  Our site goal is to raise $5,000 and this money will be used to provide resources for our GLAD/PBIS programs and provide opportunities for Enrichment Activities during the 2021/2022 school year.

Kaseberg Transtional Kindergarten is BACK!

We are very excited to announce that during the 2021/2022 School Year we will offer Transitional Kindergarten to our Kaseberg Families. 

2021-2022 Transitional Kindergarten

TK students must be 5 years old on or before March 31, 2022, to be eligible for enrollment in the Transitional Kindergarten program for the 2021-2022 school year.

  • Students born 9/2/2016 – 3/31/2017
  • Priority placement for students 9/2/2016-12/2/2016​.

The TK environment includes many opportunities for social-emotional development, fine- and gross-motor activities, and oral language development for all kinds of learners, including those with special needs.  RCSD’s TK program prioritizes purposeful, structured play, small-group instruction, and intentional teaching using hands-on, experiential activities.  TK truly provides our youngest Kindergarteners with the gift of time, enabling all students to begin traditional Kindergarten ready to thrive.

  • TK students will follow the district calendar.  
  • TK students attend class for 200 instructional minutes each day (about 3 hrs and 20 min/day), Monday through Friday.  

Final Call for Yearbook Orders

If you would like a yearbook for this school year please follow the link below to place your order.  Orders are due April 11th.  As of right now, we have over 90 students who have ordered a yearbook for this year!

FREE Book Giveaway Daily Afterschool

For the rest of the school year, we will be placing NEW and gently used books for all ages on tables at the front of the school for our Kaseberg Families to take and have.  We encourage all families to take as many books as they would like.  We have over 1,000 books to give away and put in the hands of our students!   

Kaseberg PTC Highlights

Next PTC General Meeting
The next PTC general meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 13th from 6:30-7:30 via zoom.  We encourage all parents to join the meeting and hear about what our amazing PTC has to offer our community and upcoming plans. 
ID: 86762676715
Passcode: 782971