Sunday, April 11th

 Important Information

Dance-A Thon Kick Off 4/12/21-Sports Wear Spirit Day!

It is officially time to Kick Off our biggest fundraiser of the school year!  The Dance-A-Thon hasn't even started yet and we are already halfway to our $5,000 goal, WAY TO GO HAWKS!  If you haven't registered your child for the Dance-a-thon, then follow the steps below to get started...

Please support our school today - here’s how:

  1. REGISTER your student(s) on today. It takes 30 seconds!

  2. SHARE with 5 family/friends using the SHARE tools on (Facebook, Text

    Message or Email) Students will earn rewards just for sharing from

           3.  GIVE a donation if you are able to give. 

School-Wide Incentives
  1. Top Fundraising Class gets a Pizza Party!  Mr.Tapia's class has taken the lead, but Mrs.Aderman's class is a VERY close 2nd place!
  2. Top 10 Student Fundraisers get Donuts and games with Mrs.Duncan
  3. Reach our $5,000 goal and Mrs.Duncan gets the Ice Bucket Challenge!

2021/2022 School Registration-Important

We are beginning to look at class registration for the next school year.  If you have not registered for the next school year please do so ASAP.  This will ensure that your child has a spot in one of our classrooms next year.  If you need help with re-registering your child please reach out to our front office for support.  

Champions Academy Students URGENT Information

The Roseville City School District plans to offer a distance learning program, Roseville Virtual Academy, for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested in having your child enroll in the Roseville Virtual Academy, please read the following Roseville Virtual Academy FAQ document for more information. After reviewing the FAQ document, if you decide to register any of your children in the Roseville Virtual Academy, please follow the instructions below to complete the updated enrollment form.

Link:  PowerSchool Parent Portal
Video:  How to Register for the Roseville Virtual Academy
Guide:  How to Register for the Roseville Virtual Academy

If you are not interested in the Roseville Virtual Academy and have already updated your child’s registration for the 2021-2022 school year, you do not need to do anything further. Your child will automatically be enrolled in the in-person program for the 2021-2022 school year.

Student transfers from the Roseville Virtual Academy back to in-person instruction may occur only at the beginning of the second and third trimester, pending space availability.

Parents must complete enrollment for the Roseville Virtual Academy by April 14th at 5:00 pm. Please review the FAQ document. RCSD will notify parents by May 15th about their child’s enrollment status at the Roseville Virtual Academy.

PTC Highlights

Next PTC General Meeting

The next PTC general meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 13th from 6:30-7:30 via zoom.  We encourage all parents to join the meeting and hear about what our amazing PTC has to offer our community and upcoming plans. 
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