Friday, October 22nd

 Important Information~

SPIRIT Weeks October 25th-October 29th

Staff Professional Development Day -NO SCHOOL November 1st

Monday, November 1st there will be no school due to our teacher training day.  Staff will be receiving training from our TOSA focusing on best practices and strategies to support our students with math.  We are looking forward to incorporating the new learnings into our classrooms for our students.    

Report Cards and Conferences Coming Soon~

We are nearing the end of our first trimester of school.  The last day of the Trimester for grades is next Friday, October 29th.  Teachers will be reaching out to families soon to schedule conferences with parents to discuss their child's successes so far this school year.  We are looking forward to meeting with our families to best support each of our student's unique needs!

  • Conference Week is November 15th-November 19th    
  • Reports Cards will be emailed home to parents on Friday, November 12th

Fall Harvest Festival this Saturday, October 23rd~

We can't wait to see our Kaseberg students and families at our annual Harvest Festival this Saturday, October 23rd from 

Make sure to wear your Halloween Costumes and show your fall spirit! 


Monday, October 11th

 Important Information~

Fall Spirit Week Heading Our Way~

We are excited to kick off our Fall Events for our Kaseberg students here on campus.  Our student council and staff are eager to show some school spirit during the week of October 25th-October 29th.   We look forward to seeing all of our students dressed to impress!

New Volunteer Vaccination and COVID Testing Requirements~

Starting October 15th, 2021, the Roseville City School District will have vaccination and COVID testing requirements for any volunteer who comes on campus.  For more details regarding these requirements please refer to the link below. 

No School Due to Teacher Professional Development~

There will be no school on Monday, November 1st due to it being a Teacher Training day.  

Placer County Food Bank Delivery~

Placer County Food Bank will deliver our non-perishable bags on Tuesday, October 19th.  These bags are filled with items that include beans, rice, potatoes, and canned goods.  These bags are first come first serve and can be picked up at the front of the school during our after-school pick-up from 2:45 pm-3:00 pm.  


Purchased Kaseberg Spirit Wear~
If you purchased Kaseberg spirit wear, it will be delivered to your child no later than the end of this coming week.  If you ordered items but did not receive them by this Friday, please reach out to our PTC Secretary Sarah Dixey.  

Fall Festival Coming Soon~

Our PTC Harvest Festival is returning this school year!  We can not wait to celebrate with our Kaseberg Hawks for our Fall festivities.  If you would like to help and volunteers for the Festival, please reach out to our PTC for ways to help.  


Monday, October 4th

Important Information~

International Bike or Walk to School Day October 6th~

This Wednesday, October 6th we will be celebrating International Walk or Bike to School day.  We will have music playing in the quad and support staff will be handing out goodies to students before class starts.  We can't wait to see our students walking and biking to school together this coming Wednesday!

   GATE Testing for the District coming soon!~

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) identification testing for the 2022-2023 school year will be taking place in January 2022.  The GATE identification test will be administered at your student’s school site and is available for students currently in 3rd – 7th grade. Students who sign up to take the GATE identification test will take the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT),which tests abstract thinking and reasoning ability.  

If you are interested in having your student take the OLSAT for GATE identification, please complete this GATE Parent Permission Form no later than October 29, 2021. 

Permission forms will not be accepted after October 29th, as materials and scheduling are based on the number of students who participate in testing. Please check the RCSD website for more information regarding GATE services and testing.  This information can be found by visiting → Main Menu → Programs → Gifted and Talented Education.

If you complete the form that is linked above, then you will be notified of your student’s scheduled testing date and time on or before December 10, 2021. 

Please contact Kristen Desimone at with any questions regarding GATE testing. 

PTC Events Coming Your Way~

Our PTC Harvest Festival is returning this school year!  We can not wait to celebrate with our Kaseberg Hawks for our Fall festivities.  If you would like to help and volunteers for the Festival, please reach out to our PTC for ways to help.  
Harvest Festival 
When:  Saturday, October 23rd

Time:  11:00-2:00