Friday, March 26th

 Message from Principal Duncan

Happy Friday Kaseberg Families and welcome to Spring Break!  It is crazy to think that we are already entering April and heading off for the break.  When we return to school on Tuesday, April 6th  we will have only 8 more weeks of school, but those 8 weeks will be filled with some exciting events.  In April we will be participating in a school-wide Dance-a-thon to help raise funds for the next school year, Teacher Appreciation Week is fast approaching, and we have some fun end of the year plans in the works.  I am beyond proud of how this year has turned out with all of the ups and downs we have been through.  Our Kaseberg Families have always been a constant support for our community!  I hope you all have a fun-filled vacation and we look forward to seeing our students again on April 6th!

Important Information

Kaseberg's First EVER Dance-a-Thon Fundraiser...coming soon!

We are excited to have our first ever Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser here at Kaseberg this April.  Our site goal is to raise $5,000 and this money will be used to provide resources for our GLAD/PBIS programs and provide opportunities for Enrichment Activities during the 2021/2022 school year.

FREE Book Giveaway Daily Afterschool

For the rest of the school year, we will be placing NEW and gently used books for all ages on tables at the front of the school for our Kaseberg Families to take and have.  We encourage all families to take as many books as they would like.  We have over 1,000 books to give away and put in the hands of our students!   

Spring Break Dates

Welcome to Spring Break here in RCSD!
NO SCHOOL 3/29-4/5
Students Return on Tuesday, April 6th

Final Call for Yearbook Orders

If you would like a yearbook for this school year please follow the link below to place your order.  Orders are due April 11th.  As of right now, we have over 80 students who have ordered a yearbook for this year!


Friday, March 19th

 Message from Principal Duncan

Happy Friday Kaseberg Families and welcome to the weekend.  This past week our students focused on our PBIS trait of Collaboration in their classrooms and on the playground.  On Wednesday, St. Patrick Day, we saw so much GREEN and lots of fun-filled activities in the classrooms.  We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and as always, Thank You for all that you do to support Kaseberg!

Important Information

Urgent...2021/2022 Registration 

We are currently starting our staffing projections for next year and looking at class placement.  If you have not registered your child for our 2021/2022 school year, please do so ASAP.  We want to ensure your child has a spot in one of our classrooms and as of right now we have 71 students not registered for next year.  Please reach out to our front office staff if you have any questions at all or you need assistance.  HERE is the link for our district registration.  Thank you!     

School Yearbook Pictures

If your child did not take their virtual picture for the yearbook at home, we will be going class to class next Monday, March 22nd to take their picture.   Please send your child to school ready for pictures on Monday!

Yearbook Orders DUE April 11th: HERE
Get Your Yearbook!!  

SPRING BREAK Around the Corner

Spring Break and NO SCHOOL 
Monday, March 29th-Monday, April 5th 

PTC Highlights

THANK YOU from the Kaseberg Staff for our Wonderful Treats!


Friday, March 12th

 Important Information

New 2021/2022 School Year Calendar

The RCSD Board approved our new 2021/2022 school calendar for next year.  LINKED Calendar 

Kaseberg Yearbook Orders

If you are interested in ordering a yearbook for this school year, please click on the link below.  We will be accepting Yearbook orders until April 11th.  Thank you to those of you who took your child's virtual picture with our Excel program! 

Yearbook Orders DUE 
April 11th

Placer County Food Bank Delivery this Tuesday 

This Tuesday, March 16th from 11:00-12:00 we will have our next food delivery from the Placer County Food Bank.  This week will be our Non-Perishable delivery with canned goods.  These bags typically go fast and we encourage anyone who wants one to arrive on campus a little early for distribution.  

CAASPP State Testing Coming Soon...

All 3rd-5th grade students will be taking the CAASPP state assessment in ELA and Math this school year. This will give our site and district a baseline to see where our students are academically this school year and help us to create goals for the next school year. Students that are in-person will take their assessment on campus and those that are on Champions Academy will take their assessment at home. Below you will find two PDF links giving more information regarding the assessment process.

Friday, March 5th

 Message from Mrs.Duncan

Happy Friday Kaseberg Families!  This week has been fun seeing our students dress up for Read Across America Week.  We even had some virtual guests read some of their favorite books to our classrooms.

This month our PBIS Character Trait of the month is COLLABORATION.  Our teachers will be teaching and reminding our students of what COLLABORATION looks like here at Kaseberg.  We encourage you to reinforce this at home as well.  Here is a link for some ideas on how to reinforce collaborations and teamwork at home with our Hawks (Teaching Teamwork at Home)! 💛. We hope you have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!

Important Information

Yearbook & School Pictures

THANK YOU to those of you who have already taken your Yearbooks pictures through Excel.  The pictures are turning out great!  You have until MARCH 12th to take your child's yearbook picture and order your yearbook by APRIL 11th.


Q: How do I find my child’s Student ID number? 

A: You can locate your student’s 6-digit ID on his/her report card, or through the Parent Portal. It is also the same 6-digit number that is associated with your student’s Chromebook login.

Q:  Does my child have to take a virtual picture? 

A: Your child does not have to take a virtual picture.  But if you would like your child’s picture in the yearbook then we must have a virtual picture through excel.  

Q:  What are the dates that my child can take their virtual picture at home?

A: The timeframe for taking Kaseberg Virtual pictures is March 1st-March 12th.  This will give us enough time to put all pictures in the yearbook.

Q: Are Kaseberg Champions Academy students included in the yearbook and Virtual Pictures?

A:  Yes, we are dedicating pages in the yearbook to our Champions Academy students.  Champions Academy students must also take a virtual picture to be included in the yearbook.   

CAASPP State Testing Coming Soon...

All 3rd-5th grade students will be taking the CAASPP state assessment in ELA and Math this school year. This will give our site and district a baseline to see where our students are academically this school year and help us to create goals for the next school year. Students that are in-person will take their assessment on campus and those that are on Champions Academy will take their assessment at home. Below you will find two PDF links giving more information regarding the assessment process.

PTC Highlights

PTC General Meeting

Next Tuesday, March 9th there will be a PTC General Meeting open to the public. The meeting will be held virtually via zoom due to COVID precautions. We encourage all community members to join the meeting to learn more about our PTC Board Members and what is to come in the future.
  • Time: 6:30 pm-7:30 pm
  • When: Tuesday, March 9th
  • Where: Virtually on Zoom

Kaseberg + Luck

Could you please take a couple of minutes to click this link and answer the question of why you feel lucky to be a Kaseberg parent/staff/teacher/student? We'd love an answer from you and each of your children who attend Kaseberg. We will be posting answers to our Kaseberg Families Facebook page* as well as creating a display on campus in March.

The deadline is March 12th

Thank you!

We feel LUCKY to be your Parent Teacher Club Board!

-President Kristine
-Vice President Lori
-Treasurer Nicole and
-Secretary Sarah

*To join our private Kaseberg Families Facebook page, search for Kaseberg Families and answer the questions.