Monday, September 26th

 Message from Principal Duncan~

What a wonderful first six weeks of school with our students.  Starting the school year later in August has made these first few months fly by and we are now into fall and almost into October.  Our students are now in their routines for the school day and well into their new learnings.  All of our classrooms have started their reading/math small groups to ensure students are getting the additional support that they need in core content areas and extending learning for those that are ready.  

We would like to give a HUGE shout-out and THANK YOU to the Pembroke Family for building and creating our new, amazing Lending Library at the front of our school.  Our students were so excited to see it and we are excited to offer FREE books to our students to borrow.  As a Lending Library site, we encourage students to take books home to read and then return them when they are done enjoying them.  It is imperative that our students are reading 20 minutes a night and we want to ensure all students have access to books that they enjoy!   

Important Information~

New Playground Fence Complete~
We are so excited to announce that our new fence is complete around our playground.  We are fortunate and so happy to have this additional safety measure in place for our students and staff.  For students who use the back entrance and exit of our campus, we will have a staff member assigned to unlock the gate by Adventure Club.  Only students will be allowed past this gate and no guardians will be allowed past the Adventure Club gate during school hours. 

Progress Reports Going Home~
We are halfway through the first trimester already.  Any student who we anticipate will be receiving a "Beginning" level on their first-trimester report card will have a Progress Report sent home this Friday, Sept 30th in their Friday folder.  Please review your child's progress and ways to support them at home.            
  • Progress Reports going home Friday, Sept 30th
Snowie King Snow Cones for Sale~
We are happy to bring back the Snow Cone Truck for students to purchase snow cones after school since the weather will be cooling down soon.  Parents will be allowed past the front gate after school to purchase snow cones with their children.  

Where:  Kaseberg Quad 
When:  Wed, Sept 28th
Time: 12:45pm-1:30pm

No Food or Cupcakes for Birthday~
To comply with our district wellness policy we will no longer allow food items or cupcakes to be brought to school for birthday celebrations.  This is a policy that has been in place at Kaseberg Elementary for a few years.  Below is a copy of what we have stated in our student handbook regarding birthday treats:

We encourage students and staff to celebrate a child’s birthday at school, but we ask that NO FOOD ITEMS are brought to school for birthdays.  Students can bring non-food items for their class, such as pencils, stickers, etc.  Thank you for supporting our nutritional program at school.   

PTC Highlights and Events~
  • Popcorn Friday:  Friday, October 7th
    • Don't forget to send your child to school with 25 cents to purchase a bag of popcorn. (Max purchase of 2 bags per student)
  • Fall Family Festival:  Saturday, October 29th 
    •   More information will be coming out in early October for this amazing fall event.

Monday, Sept 5th

 Message from Principal Duncan~

Welcome back from a nice Labor Day Weekend!  I hope you all were able to stay out of the heat and enjoy some cooler air.  These past two weeks our students have been practicing our PBIS Behavior Expectations, completing their district assessments, and having some fun with new learning that is taking place.  We are ecstatic to announce that our school has been recognized as a PBIS Platinum School and we are one of only two schools to have received this high honor.  To receive this award from the state PBIS Coalition our staff had to show evidence of providing behavior interventions across our campus for all students, while also offering Tiered support for students who needed additional Social and Emotional Support.  Last year we were able to support 62 students with Tier 2 Behavior supports, such as counseling, friendship groups, and different social skills groups.  We are so proud of the resources we are able to provide our students and we Thank You for being a part of our student's success.  Our school will be recognized on October 6th at our District Board Meeting! Go Hawks!

Important Information~

New Fence Being Installed~

More exciting news coming... our fence around our playground will begin getting installed this Tuesday, Sept 6th.  It will take a few weeks to complete, but we are so excited that this process is starting.  The installation of this fence will not impact your child's schooling, recess, or PE.  More information will be sent out in the coming weeks regarding new procedures for student drop-off and pick-up at the back of our school. 

School Site Council Nomination Ballots~
We have three wonderful parents within our community who have been nominated to be a part of our School Site School.  Please read their bio's and vote on whether you approve for them to represent our parents/guardians as a School Site Council member by this Friday, September 9th (LINK TO VOTING).  Our first School Site Council Meeting is coming soon and is open to the public.  More information is below if you would like to attend.   

First School Site Council Meeting 
Thursday, September 15th 
Via Zoom Link 
ID: 86583579211
Passcode: 170599

Fall Picture Day Coming Soon~

Our Fall Picture day is coming soon.  Picture day will be on Tuesday, September 20th.  
We will be sending home order forms this Friday in Friday folders.  

September Lunch Menu~

PTC Highlights~

PTC General Meeting 9/8~
Our first General PTC Meeting will be this Thursday, September 8th from 6:30-7:30.  You can attend in person in our Library or via zoom from home.  We look forward to seeing you all! 

PTC General Meeting 
in School Library or via zoom 
time:  6:30-7:30
ID: 88300905218
Passcode: 137159