Sunday, May 23rd

 Message from Principal Duncan

Well, we have officially made it to the end of the school year!  When I look back on this year, it feels like a blur and like it lasted forever, yet went by so fast.  We made it through 3 months of distance learning, reopening with strict COVID protocols, MANY classes quarantined and yet our students thrived and did better than we could have ever imagined.  Their success is 100% due to our community and staff coming together to be their best for our Kaseberg Hawks!  I am proud of many things this year, but I am most proud of our resiliency during tough times and constant focus on what is best for kids in all that we do.  This community is amazing, our students are lucky to have each and every one of you and I hope you all have the best summer...filled with self-care, vacations, relaxation, and family time!  I am excited to see what 2021/2022 has in store for us.💙💚💛

Important Information

Report Cards Emailed Home

All report cards will be emailed home to families this Thursday, May 27th at 3:00pm.  You will only see Trimester 3 grades on the end o the year report since our Learning Standards are a year-long progression and we want to show families where their child ended the year with yearlong learning expectations.  

I-Ready Reports Mailed Home 3rd-5th Grade ONLY

Our 3rd-5th graders did not take the CAASPP State testing this year due to COVID.  In its place, all 3rd-5th grade students took the I-ready Diagnostic, which shows your child's strengths in reading and math, in addition to areas of need for additional support.  We will be mailing families their child's I-ready scores this Thursday, May 27th.

URGENT NEED~Meal Duty Supervisor for 2021/2022 school year

We are in need of a Meal Duty Supervisor for the next school year.  The position would be Monday-Friday 11:30 am-1:00 pm.  This position helps to provide support and supervision for our students during lunchtime.  If you are interested in supporting our students next year and being on campus then please fill out the application ASAP.  This position does not require an interview, just an application on file.  We hope to have a member of our own Kaseberg community added to our staff.  


Our 2020/2021 Yearbooks are due to arrive early this week.  Once they arrive we will distribute them to our students, tentatively this Wednesday, May 26th (depending on arrival date).  We will have a limited quantity available for purchase in our front office starting on Wednesday morning, subject to change due to the yearbook arrival date.  If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook, it will be first come first serve and we are accepting exact cash ONLY, $20. 

2021/2022 Bell Schedule and Calendar

We will return to a normal school day next school year with lunch being served on campus again.  We plan to send out more detailed information about what school will look like next year over the summer once we have more information from the county and our district.  More information to come...



Friday, May 14th

 Message from Principal Duncan

We are in the home stretch with only 10 more days to go before the summer break.  These last two weeks on campus we are focusing on our monthly Character Trait of Citizenship, finishing our I-ready testing, and wrapping up the year with some fun activities.  As a district, we are eagerly waiting for more information on what next year might look like and as soon as we get more information we will share it with our Kaseberg Families.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday!  

Important Information

Last Week of School Schedule

Since the last week of school is quickly approaching we wanted to remind families of our start and end time for the last week of school.  In a normal year, students would be released early and have a minimum day.  This year ALL students will follow their PLC Monday schedule.  Below are the details:

Kindergarten Students:
  • 8:15-11:15 Early Bird
  • 10:15-1:15 Later Gator
1st-5th General Ed Students:
  • 8:15am-1:15pm Monday, May 24th-Thursday, May 27th
K-3 ASD Students:
  •  8:40am-1:40pm Monday, May 24th-Thursday, May 27th

School Site Council and ELAC Meeting

Next Tuesday, May 18th is our final SCC Meeting and ELAC Meeting of the year.  We will be reviewing the results of our Parent Survey and our end of the year student data from I-ready.  These meetings are held via Zoom and we encourage all parents to attend.  Below you will find the Zoom links to our meetings.

School Site Council Meeting~ Tuesday, May 18th 3:00-4:00
ID: 81116601387
Password: 293686 

ELAC Meeting~Tuesday, May 18th 4:00-5:00 
ID: 81116601387
Password: 293686  

Teachers Who Make a Difference Award Winner

Olivia Elkins – Ms.Elkins continually goes above and beyond to meet the diverse needs of
every student in her classroom. She creates an environment in her class where every child feels welcomed, cared for, and celebrated daily. She exemplifies what it means to be a Teacher Who Makes a Difference.

Parent Quote:
Ms. Olivia Elkins, our teacher is the absolute best. My child's success has been driven and created by her knowledge, guidance and care. She is extremely knowledgeable and cares deeply about her students and their successes. We need more teachers with her drive, her passion and her love for her students. She is absolutely irreplaceable and deserves SO much recognition for the incredibly hard, and sometimes thankless job she does. I cannot say enough positive things about her. She is PRICELESS. Take care of her and support her! She is a shining star!

Placer County Food Bank Delivery

Next Tuesday, May 18th we will have our next Food Bank delivery here on campus.  Food will be available for pick up between 12:45-1:30 at our front gate.  We encourage families to take a bag if they need one and they do go fast!  

PTC Highlights

THANK YOU to our wonderful PTC for creating such a special week for our Kaseberg Teachers and Staff for Teacher Appreciation week.  We appreciate all that you do to support our Kaseberg Community.  



Sunday, May 2nd

 Message from Principal Duncan

Happy Sunday and I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend!  These past two weeks have been busy at Kaseberg and filled with lots of fun.  We completed our Dance-a-thon and it was a HUGE success thanks to all of you.  We have also been preparing for the end of the school year with only 4 weeks left to go until summer break.  It is hard to believe that this school year is winding down, but our staff and students are focusing on ending the year strong and learning as much as we can in these final weeks.  Keep up the great work Hawks!  

Congratulations to our Dance-a-thon Winners!!!
  • The class that Raised the Most Money~ Mrs.Hunters Class (pizza party winner)
  • Top 10 Fundraisers at Kaseberg~. Selena L, Sophia M, Max L, Olivia P, Caroline K, Kylie Y, Emi B, Evelyn S, Ava A, Hudson P. 
  • Ice Bucket Challenge Earned for Raising $14,890 to support Kaseberg students and staff!

Important Information

Parent Survey Needed

We need your help!  All students were sent home with a Parent Survey that we need all families to fill out.  This will provide our leadership team with information on how we can best support our Kaseberg Families and Community in the next school year.  It is essential and very important to our Kaseberg Team that we get your feedback to always make sure we are meeting the needs of our Kaseberg Community.  If you would rather fill out the Parent Survey digitally there is a link below.  

5th Grade Promotion Kaseberg Plan

Due to COVID Precautions, we will not be able to have parents on campus for our annual 5th Grade Promotion.  This year we will hold a 5th-grade Promotion on campus in our quad where our 5th graders will receive their promotion certificate from their teacher and enjoy a Luau Themed Pizza party.  We will videotape the ceremony and send it to all families to watch and enjoy at a later time.  Thank you to our PTC for providing decorations and Pizza for our 5th graders.  

Tardies and School Start Time

As a reminder to families we open our gates at 8:00am, but school starts PROMPTLY at 8:15am.  We are asking that students are in the classroom by 8:15am.  We have had a large number of students showing up late for school and we are still tracking tardies on our end.  Thank you for your diligence in ensuring your child is in school and on time daily.  

PTC Highlights

May 3rd-May 7th is Teacher Appreciation Week

Don't forget to shower your teacher with love this week and thank them for all of the hard work they have put into this school year!  Here is a reminder of Kaseberg's Teacher Appreciation Week Theme!  Enjoy!