Message from Principal Duncan~
We are in the final week before heading into the Holiday break! Our students and staff have been busy with tons of holiday cheer and many events on campus over these past few weeks. The amazing Woodcreek High School made a visit to our campus this past Friday, putting on a wonderful performance and giving every student on campus gifts. Seeing the smiling faces of every student brought so much happiness to our campus. In addition to receiving, our students have also been donating to the Chips For Kids event and we have been overflowing with donations, which is wonderful to see! Thank you all for giving to our community during this time of the year!
I hope you all have a wonderful final couple of days before we head out on the holiday break!
This Wednesday, December 14th our 5th graders will be performing their 5th-grade play and our Music program will be performing their music ensemble from 6:00-7:00 in our MPR. We encourage all Kaseberg families to attend and enjoy the show. Our students have been working so hard these past few months and are eager to show off their hard work! We look forward to seeing you all there.