Monday, December 2nd

 Message from Principal Duncan~

A heartfelt THANK YOU to each of you for all you do for our school and your children. When I think of our school, the words gratitude, joy, and blessed immediately come to mind. I hope this past week allowed you to spend quality time with loved ones and enjoy whatever brings you the most happiness during this season. I’m excited for the next three weeks as we create holiday cheer while staying focused on student learning and maintaining high expectations for all.

Important Information~

Holiday Spirit Week~
During the week before our Holiday Break, our staff and students will spread some holiday cheer with our annual holiday Spirit Week.  We look forward to seeing everyone dressed up the whole week through!

PBIS Character Trait of the Month-RESPECT~

This month our teachers and school will be focusing on teaching our students what it looks like and sounds like to show RESPECT! Our students will participate in guidance lessons from our counselor focused on using RESPECT on campus and at home. We encourage you to speak with your child about RESPECT and what that looks like at home or in public.

Why Teach Children Respect?

Teaching respect to elementary-school-age children is essential for several reasons: 
  • Promotes Positive Relationships: When children learn to respect others, they are more likely to communicate effectively, cooperate, and collaborate with peers, teachers, and family members. 
  • Develops Empathy and Understanding: Respect cultivates empathy by encouraging children to consider the feelings, perspectives, and boundaries of others. It nurtures tolerance towards diverse backgrounds, cultures, and viewpoints.
  • Builds Self-Respect: Teaching respect involves guiding children to value themselves and their abilities while recognizing the worth of others. By internalizing respect, children are less likely to judge others harshly or compare themselves to their peers. Children develop self-esteem, self-confidence, and a positive self-image, laying the groundwork for their emotional well-being and resilience.
  • Prevents Bullying and Conflict: Respectful behavior acts as a deterrent to bullying, aggression, and conflict. When children understand the importance of treating others with dignity and kindness, instances of bullying and disrespectful behavior decrease, creating safer and more harmonious school environments.  
Winter Break 12/23- 1/7~

Kaseberg December Events~
  • Woodcreek Secret Santa Assembly (Dec 6th)
  • Kaseberg Winter Ensemble (Dec 9th 5:30 pm-6:30 pm)
  • Shelter Drill (Dec 5th)
  • Fire Drill (Dec 13th)
  • PTC General Meeting (Dec 17th 6:00 pm-7:00 pm)
  • Spirit Week Dress Up (Dec 16th-Dec 20th)
  • PBIS Character Awards Assembly (Dec 20th)
  • Winter Break-NO School (Dec 23rd-Jan 7th)

Tuesday, November 12th

 Message from Principal Duncan~

Over the past few days in Washington, D.C., surrounded by other National Blue Ribbon schools, I've felt truly fortunate to be part of our incredible Kaseberg community. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for our dedicated staff, hardworking students, and supportive families who give their best each day for our students. Words can't fully capture how proud I am of the work we do together as a school community to benefit our students. Thank you for entrusting us with your amazing children each day; it is my greatest honor to be their principal. I am so grateful for all of you!

Important Information~

Attendance is Key this Fall~

Missing even just a day or two can have a significant impact on learning and overall progress.

How can you establish good attendance and health habits for your child?

  • Plan Ahead: Review the school calendar to identify important dates, such as holidays and school breaks. Try to schedule family vacations and activities during these times to minimize disruptions. Contact your child’s teacher if you can’t adjust travel arrangements outside of school days to explore a Short Term Independent Study option.

  • Set a Routine: Establish a consistent daily routine for your child that includes a healthy sleep schedule, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and ample time for homework and relaxation. Ensure your child comes to school healthy and ready to learn.

  • Communicate: Encourage open communication between you, your child, and the school. If your child is unwell or facing any challenges, let the school know as soon as possible.

  • Be a Role Model: Demonstrate the value of education and a healthy lifestyle by prioritizing punctuality, attendance, and well-being in your own life. Your child will learn from your example.

  • Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and celebrate your child's achievements and milestones in their academic journey. Positive reinforcement can motivate them to attend school regularly.

Remember, every day at school counts, and your support in fostering good attendance and health habits will have a lasting impact on your child's future success. If you ever have any questions or concerns related to attendance, health, or your child's education, please do not hesitate to reach out to our school staff.

PBIS Character Trait of the Month-RESPECT~

This month our teachers and school will be focusing on teaching our students what it looks like and sounds like to show RESPECT! Our students will participate in guidance lessons from our counselor focused on using RESPECT on campus and at home. We encourage you to speak with your child about RESPECT and what that looks like at home or in public.

Why Teach Children Respect?

Teaching respect to elementary-school-age children is essential for several reasons: 
  • Promotes Positive Relationships: When children learn to respect others, they are more likely to communicate effectively, cooperate, and collaborate with peers, teachers, and family members. 
  • Develops Empathy and Understanding: Respect cultivates empathy by encouraging children to consider the feelings, perspectives, and boundaries of others. It nurtures tolerance towards diverse backgrounds, cultures, and viewpoints.
  • Builds Self-Respect: Teaching respect involves guiding children to value themselves and their abilities while recognizing the worth of others. By internalizing respect, children are less likely to judge others harshly or compare themselves to their peers. Children develop self-esteem, self-confidence, and a positive self-image, laying the groundwork for their emotional well-being and resilience.
  • Prevents Bullying and Conflict: Respectful behavior acts as a deterrent to bullying, aggression, and conflict. When children understand the importance of treating others with dignity and kindness, instances of bullying and disrespectful behavior decrease, creating safer and more harmonious school environments.  
Parent-Teacher Conferences 11/18-11/22~

Next week is Parent-Teacher conferences.  This is your opportunity to sit down with your child's teacher and hear all of the wonderful things they are learning and ways they are growing!  Parent-Teacher conferences are required for all families, so please ensure you have signed up for a 20-minute time slot next week with your child's teacher.  

All of next week is early dismissal to accommodate Conference Week.  

Spirit Wear Orders Open Now ~

It is the holiday season and our online Spirit Wear store is open from 11/1-11/22.  So stock up on your winter hoodies and Kaseberg Gear!  

Online orders will be open from November 1st-November 22nd! Orders will be delivered to students by December 9th!! 

November Dates to Remember~
  • 11/18-11/22: Conference Week (Dismissal 11:30 am)
  • 11/19:  Red Robin Dine-Out Night 
  • 11/22:  National Blue Ribbon Assembly Celebration for students
  • 11/25-11/29:  Fall Break-No School

Monday, October 28th

 Message from Principal Duncan~

We’re now entering the final week of the first trimester and preparing to start the second. This trimester has been dedicated to focusing on student learning, fostering strong connections with our students, and making sure every student has the support they need to thrive.

The upcoming weeks will be lively, with holiday festivities on campus, our National Blue Ribbon Ceremony, and conference week on the horizon. Our school’s goal for the next six weeks is to maintain our high standards for academics and behavior, while also incorporating plenty of holiday cheer.  Thank you for continuing to support your child and their success here at Kaseberg!

Important Information~

Spooky Spirit Week Fun~

We encourage all students to join our staff for a fun-filled Spooky Spirit Week!

PBIS in Action!~

At Kaseberg Elementary, we strive to create a positive and welcoming environment for all students, guided by the PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) framework. A key component of PBIS is teaching students clear expectations, which helps them achieve their best both academically and socially.

Each month we focus on a new character trait and each classroom teaches our students about the trait, what it looks like in action, and how to use the trait on campus at at home.  For the month of October, our students have focused on having a Growth Mindset.  They have been learning about setting goals in school and how to persevere when faced with a challenge. 

Home Connection:  We encourage parents to ask their child about having a Growth Mindset and finding ways to set goals at home, and how to use the power of "YET".   

Staff Professional Development~

Our Kaseberg Staff and the entire RCSD District will be partaking in staff training this Thursday and Friday to learn new ways to support students behaviorally and academically.  Enjoy the two days off for students!

Parent-Teacher Conference Week~

Parent-Teacher conferences will take place the week of November 18th-November 22nd.  These are required for all families to attend.  This is our opportunity to share the amazing growth of your child this year so far.  

Please be on the look out for an email from your child's teacher to sign up for a  20-minute time slot.

*That week is all MINIMUM Days for students.  Students are dismissed at 11:30 am every day during conference week. 

Kaseberg Spirit Wear for Sale Online~

Kaseberg spirit wear will be for sale online from 11/1-11/22.  Place your order in time to get it for the Holiday season and Christmas gifts.  Use the link below starting November 1st!

 Kaseberg Events Coming Soon~

  • 10/31-11/1:  No School 
  • 11/11: No School Veteran's Day 
  • 11/14:  Make-Up Photo Day
  • 11/18-11/22:  Parent-Teacher Conference
  • 11/19:  Red Robin Dine-Out Night
  • 11/22:  National Blue Ribbon Ceremony with Students
  • 11/25-11/29:  Thanksgiving Break 


Monday, October 7th

 Message from Principal Duncan~

Over the past two weeks since we found out the amazing news that our school is a 2024 National Blue Ribbon school I have had time to reflect on this amazing achievement.  Over the past five years as the Principal of Kaseberg, the staff and I have made it our mission to set high-expectations for our students and show them that they are capable of anything!  This achievement has shown us that when students are cared for, surrounded by a team that truly loves them, and expectations are held high, our students can do hard things.  Thank you for being a huge part of this school and sharing your amazing children with us. 
In November, we will hold a school-wide celebration rally with our students to celebrate their hard work of this achievement.  During the rally, our School Board and Superintendent will share in this celebration.  We look forward to spending this 2024-2025 school year celebrating our amazing little school!  

Important Information~   

WE NEED YOUR HELP:  Fall Family Festival~

*Purchase tickets online at the following website!

We Need your Help to make this Event Possible:

  • Sign-Up to VOLUNTEER at our Fall Festival LINK HERE
  • Classroom DONATIONS for our Fall Festival LINK HERE
  • Fill our Candy Monster with Candy!
  • We need 30 Trunk or Treat Cars- we have 11 right now!

We encourage all students to Walk or Bike to school this Wednesday, October 9th. 
  • ONE student from each class will win a NEW BIKE this Wednesday!

Halloween Spirit Week Fun~

October Monthly Counselor Newsletter~

Canned Food Drive Oct 14th-Oct 30th~
We want to help our local Salvation Army by participating in a Canned Food Drive.  It is important for our students to learn to give back to our community!  Our Student Council is heading this fantastic event. 
  • 1st Place Class:  Wins a Movie 
  • 2nd Place: Wins a Pajama Day

October Events~
  • Walk and Roll to School Day October 9th
  • School Site Council Meeting 10/10 (2:15-3:15 via zoom)
  • Sat, October 19th-Fall Family Festival 11:00-2:00
  • No School- October 31st and November 1st


Monday, Sept 23rd

 Message from Principal Duncan~

Over the past few years, we have put a large focus on beautifying our campus and ensuring our students have a safe and welcoming place to learn.  These beautification projects have included:
  • New Concrete tables for students to have access to outdoor learning and eating.
  • New digital Marquee
  • New Lending Library
  • Updated benches on campus 
This school year our students will be getting a brand new playground for TK/K, a new upgraded video and digital sound system in our MPR, water bottle refill station, and our NEW BEAUTIFUL MURAL that was just completed last week.  Thank you to @artmadebysydneyrae for her amazing talent and making our campus look amazing!    

Important Information~

We are so excited to host our Annual Family ReCREATE Night featuring nine different fun science stations where students get to build and create rockets and other exciting things.  We can't wait to see all of our families at this event.  A flyer will be going home this Friday with all the details. 

  • When:  September 25th (5:30-7:00)
  • Who:  All Kaseberg students and families
  • Snowie King for sale 
  • Book Fair will be open for purchase

Book Fair Coming Sept 23rd-Sept 27th~

Students will have access to purchase books during their lunch, after school, at our STEAM Night, and during classroom-assigned visits. 

All proceeds go back to our library to fund more books for students!

We are in need of volunteers to help the Book Fair run smoothly.  Please click on the sign-up genius if you would like to help out! 

Fall Picture Day (Tuesday, Sept 24th)~

Spirtwear Delivery~

Kaseberg Spiritwear that was ordered during our last order window will be delivered to students this week.  Each order window has a two week turn around time for delivery.  

Our next Spirtwear order window will be mid October-mid November!

PTC Events and News~

We Need your Help to make this Event Possible:
  • Sign-Up to VOLUNTEER at our Fall Festival LINK HERE
  • Classroom DONATIONS for our Fall Festival LINK HERE

Friday, Sept 13th

Important Information~


We are so excited to host our Annual Family ReCREATE Night featuring nine different fun science stations where students get to build and create rockets and other exciting things.  We can't wait to see all of our families at this event.  A flyer will be going home this Friday with all the details. 

  • When:  September 25th (5:30-7:00)
  • Who:  All Kaseberg students and families
  • Snowie King for sale 
  • Book Fair will be open for purchase

Book Fair Coming Sept 23rd-Sept 27th~

Students will have access to purchase books during their lunch, after school, at our STEAM Night, and during classroom-assigned visits. 

All proceeds go back to our library to fund more books for students!

We are in need of volunteers to help the Book Fair run smoothly.  Please click on the sign-up genius if you would like to help out! 

Congrats to our PBIS Team~

Congratulations to our amazing staff and school community for being recognized as a PBIS Platinum school for the third year in a row.  This is a testament to our behavior supports and systems across all Tiers.  We are very proud of the systems we have in place for students who need more to gain access to their education.  Keep on Raising the Bar for our students...Congrats team!

Congrats on Positive Attendance~

Starting this month every classroom will receive a class reward if the class attendance average is 95% or higher.  We will be announcing class winners at the end of each month.  Congrats to the following classrooms that had 95% or higher attendance for the month of August... Keep up the amazing work!

  • Mrs.Salinas 98%
  • Mrs.Febbraro 98%
  • Mrs.Hunter 98%
  • Mrs.McCarty 98%
  • Mrs.Wackerly 98%
  • Mrs.Woods 97%
  • Mrs. Burns 97%
  • Mrs. Wallingford 97%
  • Mrs.Fayter 96%
  • Mrs. Robbins 95%
  • Mr.Tapia 95%

Fall Picture Day~

Month of September Events~

  • Mendocino Farms Dine Out 9/12
  • Lockdown Drill 9/13
  • Snowie King for sale after school 
  • PTC General Meeting 9/16 (6:00-7:00)
  • Skate Night 9/17 (6:00-8:00)
  • Book Fair 9/23-9/27
  • ReCREATE STEAM Night 9/25 5:30-7:00 


Friday August 30th

 Important Information~

No School Monday, Sept 2nd~

Attendance Matters~

During the 2024/2025 school year attendance will be a big focus for our campus.  It is essential that students are at school every day.  Last year 18% of our students were considered Truant, which means they missed more than 18 days of school.  This greatly impacts a child's academics and the resources we are able to provide for our students.  Below are a few reminders going into the school year:

  • Try to take vacations during our designated school breaks as much as possible.
  • You are only required to stay home for an illness if you are vomiting, have diarrhea and/or a fever.  
  • Please use Independent Study if you do have a preplanned vacation.  

Counselor Monthly Newsletter~

Handicap Parking~

Please DO NOT park in any of our front Handicap parking spaces unless you have the appropriate signage.  We have multiple students with disabilities who need access to these spaces.  

We have notified the Police Dept that this has become an issue again.  They will be patrolling our parking lots and ticketing.  Thank you for your help in ensuring our students have access to the supports they need. 

PTC Events and Highlights~

Up Coming Events~
  • General Meeting- Monday, Sept 16th 6:00-7:00
  • Skate Night- Tuesday, Sept 17th 6:00-8:00 

Last Call to Order Spirit Wear~

We are so excited to announce that we have NEW Spirit Wear for the 2024-2025 school year!  

Online orders will be open from August 12th-Sept 6th.  Orders will be delivered to students by September 23rd!!