Message from Principal Duncan~
We hope you have all been enjoying your Spring Break! Students return on Tuesday, April 2nd and we have only 41 days left of school once we return. That is 41 days to ensure our students learn and get the most out of their educational experience this school year.
Congratulations to Kaseberg Elementary for earning the CA Platinum PBIS recognition for the second year in a row. In addition, the Placer County Office of Education highlighted Kaseberg in their PBIS video, showing the wonderful work we do on behalf of our students. Use the link below to watch the video. Kaseberg PBIS Video
Important Information~
Autism Acceptance Week~
We are so excited to celebrate inclusivity on our campus with our first Annual Autism Acceptance Week from April 2nd to April 5th. Students will partake in daily activities and we encourage you to ask them questions each day about what they learned. In addition, we will be hosting a Spirit Week, so dress up and celebrate Autism Acceptance Week with our staff.
Sports-A-Thon Fundraiser 3/25-4/19~
This is our biggest fundraiser of the school year! Our goal is to raise $15,000 to fund our new mural, benches, and student resources. If EVERY student raises $50, we will reach our goal. Look for flyers and information in your child's Friday folder for details. Let's do this!
Last call for YEARBOOK Orders~
Yearbook orders are due Tuesday, April 2nd. We will have very limited quantities for in-person purchases at the end of the school year. Place your order NOW to guarantee a copy for your child.
PTC Highlights and School Events~
- April 2nd-April 5th: Autism Acceptance Week Spirit Days
- April 5th: Popcorn Friday
- April 8th: Solar Eclipse Event on Campus
- PTC General Meeting 6:00-7:00
- April 18th: Mountain Mikes Dune-Out Night
- April 19th: Sports-a-Thon Event
- Snowie King for sale after school
- April 29th: 3rd-5th grade State Testing begins