Friday, August 13th

 Message from Principal Duncan~

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! I am thrilled to be welcoming your children back to school! We have eagerly anticipated the full reopening of our campus. Our commitment to fostering resilience, perseverance, grit, and empathy during this past year will undoubtedly help our students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally this school year.

Our Kaseberg team will continue to focus on supporting our students' needs academically and socially-emotionally with our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.  We will also continue working diligently to meet the diverse needs of our students through small group instruction across all grade levels, school-wide implementation of our PBIS behavior expectations, and incorporating our GLAD units to support our science and social studies content areas in all classrooms.  

Our staff has made a goal and commitment this school year to become  Gold Certified in our Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention Supports.   This means that we will ensure we are deliberate in teaching self-regulation, and emotional wellness will carry on through lessons by our teachers, counselor, and elementary learning specialist using our Second Step Curriculum. Practices such as naming emotions, communicating needs, self-advocacy, and implementing “Calming Corners” in all classrooms to help our students have ownership over their responses to their emotions.

We, here at Kaseberg Elementary, are eager to bring our community back together.  To see parents, and families back on campus supporting our students as they embark on this new school year.  We are excited to see where this school year takes us and it's going to be an amazing year Hawks!

Important Informtion~

We are Welcoming Volunteers~

We are excited to welcome back classroom volunteers on our campus, which will start after the first month of school. Teachers will be sending out information at the end of the month in Friday folders regarding classroom volunteer needs for their room. If this is something that you are interested in please go to our RCSDK8 website and fill out the Category I or Category II Volunteer form. Below are some reminders and a link to our Volunteer forms if you wanted to get started!

  • Category I Volunteer: Attend class events such as class parties, attend classroom presentations, participate in school beautification projects, etc. Not regularly on campus.
  • Category II: Regularly schedule classroom support, Field trips, Support After school programs and clubs. (Requires a TB test and fingerprint clearance)
  • Link to our RCSDK8 Volunteer Website with documents

Tardies and Absence Protocols~

School Begins Promptly at 8:40 am
As a reminder, we are back to tracking students who are late and have excessive absences this school year. We are asking that students are on campus in line waiting for their teacher no later than 8:40 am when school begins. We will be promptly closing our gates at 8:40 am each morning when school officially starts. It is imperative that students are attending school every day to ensure they do not miss any important instructional minutes.

A student is considered Truant if they miss more than three school days in a year with no excusal or if a student is tardy by more than 30 minutes for three days in a school year. Our goal is to support all of our families in the best way possible to ensure our students are at school every day!

PTC Information~

Screen Shot 2017-03-30 at 1.34.03 PM.pngWe had an amazing turnout at back to school night and our PTC sold out of our student-size T-shirts. Our PTC will be sending home order forms for those that are interested in the coming weeks. Every Friday is School Spirit Day, so wear your Kaseberg Gear and show your RED!

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